Septic 101: A Guide For Homeowners

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Septic Pumping And Aeration: A Guide To Complete Septic System Maintenance To Prevent Problems

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Septic pumping is an essential part of your septic system maintenance. You probably don't want to think about what is happening inside your septic tank, but it is really important to keep it properly maintained by regularly pumping your septic tank. If you feel like you don't know enough about septic systems, keep reading to get the information you need.

Septic Pumping

The septic tank collects, separates, and cleans the liquids from your wastes, and the liquids are distributed to a drain field where they are filtered through soils. When your tank becomes full, it needs to be pumped.

The pumping of your septic tank is done by a pump truck. The pumping service removes all the sludge and liquids that have built up inside the tank. They might also remove waste from other system components, such as a secondary tank or the distribution box that leads to the drain field.


Aeration is the process by which air is introduced into septic tanks in order to prevent anaerobic conditions. Anaerobic conditions occur when waste in the septic tank decomposes without oxygen. Anaerobic conditions can lead to a buildup of ammonia in septic tanks. Ammonia has many adverse effects on septic systems.

Aeration is a key step in the septic maintenance process. Aeration should be done each time the septic tank is pumped. Aeration can be done in two ways. The first method is to pump up the tank and then dump a large tankful of water. The water creates bubbles that force air into the tank. This method can be messy.

The second method is to set up air pumps in the septic tank. This second method is considered safer and more efficient.

Aeration helps break down solid waste. This helps to prevent a buildup of ammonia. Aeration also prevents anaerobic decomposition, which can lead to a buildup of hydrogen sulfide. Aeration is frequently recommended for older septic tanks. While it may help older septic tanks, it is not recommended for all septic tanks. Aeration should only be done in conjunction with pumping.

Septic Tank Inspection

An important aspect of proper septic tank maintenance is inspection. Many states require regular inspections. Homeowners in many states can check their states' rules online. If your state requires an inspection, you should call your local health department to find out the rules.

The inspection includes draining and flushing the tank, checking for floating debris, and looking for cracks, holes, and other damage. Inspectors will look for evidence of pumping troubles, such as sludge or scum buildup or a broken baffle.

Most experts recommend that you have the tank pumped at least every three to few years. If the tank should be pumped more often, the inspector will tell you. If there are problems with the tank, the inspector will recommend repairs. The inspector will also tell you whether you should have the tank aerated.

Contact a septic tank pumping service to get the help you need if you are concerned about how well-maintained your system is.
